Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Northern Michigan Property Tax Appeals

Have you received your 2011 Northern Michigan property tax assessment notice? Does your property tax assessment reflect the fact that your property's value may have declined significantly over the past few years? If not, you may wish to appeal your property tax assessment to your local board of review.

The taxable value of real property for a given tax year is determined as of December 31 of the previous year. In February, local tax assessors mail notices of assessment to taxpayers. Click here for instructions on how to read your Northern Michigan property tax assessment notice. Assessment notices must be mailed to taxpayers at least ten days before the March board of review. If you purchased your property in December, and have not received a notice of assessment, the prior owner may have received the notice of assessment. Contact your assessor prior to the March board of review for a copy of the assessment.

Local Boards of Review usually begin to hear tax apeals on the second Monday in March. An appeal to the local Board of Review is generally required to file an appeal with the Michigan Tax Tribunal. Click here for helpful tips on appealing your Northern Michigan property tax assessment to your local Board of Review.

Oftentimes, a taxpayer will hire an attorney to handle their Northern Michigan property tax appeal to the Board of Review. If the Board of Review does not rule favorably, the attorney can also represent the taxpayer in subsequent appeal to the Michigan Tax Tribunal. My firm, the Law Office of Stefan J. Scholl, P.C., has successfully represented taxpayers in Northern Michigan property tax appeals. Please feel free to contact my law office for assistance with your property tax appeal.

Click here for the 2011 Michigan Taxpayers Guide.
