Saturday, July 14, 2007

Petoskey Real Estate Market Report - 1st Half 2007

Note: Based upon information obtained from the Northern Michigan Multiple Listing Service for the Periods of Time from January - June, 2001-2007.
Copyright 2007 - Buyer's Broker of Northern Michigan, LLC

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Petoskey Real Estate Market Report - 1st Half 2007

Note: Based upon information obtained from the Northern Michigan Multiple Listing Service for the Periods of Time from January - June, 2001-2007.
Copyright 2007 - Buyer's Broker of Northern Michigan, LLC

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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Petoskey News Review vs. Traverse City Record Eagle

"Groundwork to start soon" - Front Page Headline,
Petoskey News Review, July 6-8, 2007 Weekender Edition

"Work on project halted while financing is sought" - Headline, Traverse City Record Eagle, July 11, 2007 Web Edition

So who are we to believe? The News Review, citing the developer as its source, or the Record Eagle, which cites both the general contractor, JM Olson Corp., and construction liens filed with the Emmet County Register of Deeds?

According to the News Review article, the developer "dismissed recent rumors suggesting that Petoskey Pointe wouldn't come together as planned."

According to the Record Eagle article by Brian McGillivary, Petoskey Pointe Construction is on hold because the developers haven't paid bills totaling more than $2.1 million. Additionally, the article notes that three firms, including the general contractor, have filed liens on 13 parcels owned by the project developers. When contacted by the Record Eagle, Petoskey Pointe development partner Martin Jankowski indicated that "we actually have our loan now, a gap loan, and we've got everything straightened out.”

Stay tuned. . .


Monday, July 09, 2007

Exclusive Buyer Agents Touted in Newsweek

Home buyers really do need the help of a buyer's agent in a buyer's market, according to a recent article "Real Estate: Call Your Agent," by Linda Stern, which appears in the July 16, 2007 edition of Newsweek.

The author cites a couple of reasons why those working without an agent may lose out. Without an agent to search the MLS on their behalf, house hunters may be missing out on properties which may be of interest. Also, by utilizing an agent who is working on their behalf, home buyers may get a better deal.

The author does not suggest using just any buyer's agent, instead recommending that home buyers seek out the services of an exclusive buyer agent who is a member of the National Association of Exclusive Buyer Agents. Stephen Brobeck, of the Consumer Federation of America, warns that agents whose firms also list properties for sale may steer clients to company listings first, which Brobeck calls "an irreconcilable conflict of interest".

At Buyer's Broker of Northern Michigan, LLC, we are true exclusive buyer agents. We are members of the National Association of Exclusive Buyer Agents and do not list properties for sale or represent sellers. We are completely loyal to our buyer clients. We are committed to protecting our clients' best interests and negotiating the best possible deal on their behalf.

If you are in the market for a Northern Michigan home or vacation property, experience the difference an exclusive buyer agent can make! Find out what Newsweek, Consumer Reports, Kiplinger's Personal Finance, etc. are talking about when they recommend that home buyer's use an exclusive buyer agent. Give us a call toll free at (877) 228-9664 or (877) 2 BUY NMI. We look forward to the opportunity to be of service!

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