Monday, November 27, 2006

Nubs Nob Terrain Park Ranked #1 in the Nation

Nub's Nob Ski Resort of Harbor Springs has been voted as the number one terrain park on the entire North American continent by the readers of Ski Magazine! Nub's Nob was also voted number for four snow grooming.

Nub's Nob was previously voted into the top ten in all of the United States and Canada for snow and value, and is the only ski resort in the Midwest to ever capture North American "Gold Medals" from Ski Magazine. "All we think about is snow, snow, snow, running the best ski and snowboard resort of our size possible and making our customers number one," according to Nub's Nob head of guest services, Scott Stillings.

The readers of Ski Magazine obviously feel that "Nub's" has been doing a fantastic job of pleasing its customers. Northwest Lower Michigan boasts some of the best skiing and snowboarding in the Midwest, including Nub's Nob, Boyne Mountain in Boyne Falls, and Boyne Highlands in Harbor Springs. Think snow!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

With our first "measurable" snow fall coming to Ohio this weekend, the mind has turned to the wonderful winter activities.

I have not headed to Michigan for skiing, usually done it in the area or headed south to West Virginia. But after reading this, may have to consider a trip up into the mitten.

Thanks for the tip on your brother-in-law living in Delaware. We have actually hooked up for him to come up with some landscape architect designs for the development.

11/30/2006 01:13:00 AM  
Blogger Sssamiam said...

I skied the moraine hills of western Michigan in 1984 and had a great time. The vertical drop was minimal compared to mountain resorts, but I had a great time.

12/01/2006 02:35:00 PM  
Blogger Stefan J. Scholl, J.D. - Exclusive Buyer Agent said...

Toby & Sadie: Come on Up North for your ski trip! We would love to have you!

Sam: Glad you enjoyed your visit here in '84. You have no idea how many improvements have been made since that time. In addition to numerous improvements to the day lodges, there are many new ski runs, and a tremendous amount of new snowmaking capacity. We would love to have you back up sometime!

12/08/2006 09:49:00 AM  

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